
2024 Invited lecturer at the Continuous Gravitational Waves School hosted by Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University, Beijing, China (also sat in a panel for a special "Women in Science" session in the school)

2024 Interview article "Making Waves" by Chi Chi Zhao

2024 Invited talk at Transients Down Under 2024: Gravitational-wave astronomy with next-generation observatories, Melbourne, Australia

2023 Invited plenary talk at the 31st Lepton Photon Conference: Probing ultralight bosons with black holes and gravitational waves, Melbourne, Australia

2023  Media release at the start of O4 "CGA to boost the global hunt for gravitational waves

2023  Invited colloquium at KIAA-PKU: Probing ultralight bosons with black holes and gravitational waves, Beijing, China (remote)

2022  Invited talk at 2022 AIP Congress: What does Australia bring to the global gravitational-wave detector network? Adelaide, Australia

2022  Media release "How a dark matter embrace could slow a spinning black hole"

2022  Invited talk at 2022 APS April meeting (Isaacson Award Session): Hunting for Continuous Gravitational Waves -- Recent Searches and Astrophysical Implications, New York, USA

2022  Invited talk at Sydney Consortium for Particle Physics and Cosmology (CPPC) seminar: Probing ultralight bosons with black holes and gravitational waves

2021 Media release "Mysterious clouds could offer new clues on dark matter"; podcast by Trekzone

2021  Invited talk at IPAM Workshop (UCLA): Source inference and parameter estimation in Gravitational Wave Astronomy -- Tracking a continuous gravitational-wave signal with a hidden Markov model [YouTube]

2021 Invited talk at the Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (MG16) -- Recent searches for continuous gravitational waves and the implications

2021  Interviewed by the Astronomy magazine "Astronomy enters a new age thanks to multi-messenger signals" by Arwen Rimmer 

2021  Invited to talk about the career and life of a women scientist in an event organized by the Society of Women for Physics (SWiP) at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

2021  Co-authored a book (Chinese) about women leadership with other female leaders and scientists in the Homeward Bound Project

2020  Co-signed the Nature comment article "Protect the Antarctic Peninsula — before it’s too late" by Hogg et al. [Nature 586, 496-499 (2020)], see Supplementary Information.

2020 Invited talk at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Colloquium, Cambridge, USA -- Calibrating the output of Advanced LIGO detectors

2019  Selected in the 4th cohort of the global women in STEMM leadership program "Homeward Bound" and participated in a leadership training in Antarctica. 

2018  Contributor of the artistic science show "Particle-Wave"  

2018 Invited talk at the 24th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, Cleveland, USA -- Bridging the gap between year-long signals and second-long signals: gravitational-wave transients 

2017  LIGO Magazine (Issue 11) — "The search for continuous waves"

2017  High-school work experience student seminar, University of Melbourne

2017  Antarctica Explorer Program, School of Physics, supported by Laby Foundation, University of Melbourne (Implemented a mobile App "Antarctica Explorer")

2016  Science article "Swept up in a gravitational wave" was selected in the book The Best Australian Science Writing 2016 

2016  Astrolight Festival 2016, Melbourne 

2016  Science Literacy Night, Norma Coombs Elementary School, Pasadena, CA, USA